Sunday, December 15, 2013

December, 2013 Holiday Party

December 14, 2013: OMG!!! That about sums up our FANTASTIC holiday party. We rocked to the 60s, 70s and 80s with live band, "Classic Vinyl". Everyone brought great food, drinks, desserts. We celebrated Julia's birthday in grand style and had quite a few laughs at our White Elephant. Thanks to everyone who helped set up, decorate, provide victuals, and clean up. The clubhouse was the perfect venue with the dance floor and cozy fireplace lit living room atmosphere. Thanks to Paula for living in the perfect condo complex! Gotta do this again next year!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

November 22, 2013 Meeting

November 22nd: We place a classified ad in the SRCA Newsletter for November and got some response, so we will continue to place these inexpensive ads. Our Presenters for November were Julia Carson (yoga) and Ellie Bloomgren (Hair Stylist). Ellie just opened her new salon, A New Twist, in Poway, and our meeting was at her salon. We even got a hair washing demo, how fun! We welcomed prospective members, Beth Austin and Jacqueline Yang. Thank you for checking us out. We have changed the date of our holiday dance party, white elephant, with live band to Saturday, December 14th. Thank you to all who will be joining us and helping to make this a really fun event. Thanks also to members who shared their tried and true business tips with the group. We really appreciate your input. Due to the holidays, there is no meeting in December. We will see you all again at our first meeting of the year, Friday, January 31, 2014. Our "Presenters" will be Vicki Winkelman (Financial Planner), Diane Halfman (Lifestyle Organizer) and Mary De (Fashion Consultant). Have a great holiday season and a safe and Happy New Year.

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 Meeting

October 25, 2013: Our well attended meeting today was very lively. Our "Presenters" Heidi, Betty Jean and Mary Engelhardt gave enthusiastic presentations. Betty Jean gifted everyone with two specialty tea bags which we all eagerly accepted. We welcomed new member Mary Demetriades who is a fashion stylist and image consultant. We are gearing up for our December social event. Our December is a Holiday inspired social evening with a White Elephant. Knowing our group, it should be rip-roaring fun. Presenters for November's meeting will be Julia (yoga), Cleopatra (bookkeeping) and Ellie (hair stylist) and will take place at Ellie's new hair salon in Poway. Because of the holidays, there is no meeting in December.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

September 27, 2013

September 27 Meeting: This very well attended meeting brought us new member Mary Engelhardt who is a sales representative for Silpada Silver jewelry. Our presenters were Cipika Kumar who actually demonstrated on Diane the art of eyebrow threading. Very interesting, indeed! Stacy DenHerder gave a very interesting talk on why it is important to have an estate plan and Colette Pascual provided useful information about retaining tutors for anyone from elementary school to college. At this meeting we introduced our new attendance requirements which will go into effect beginning in January of 2014. An announcement was made that anyone who is a member as of January, 2014 will be in our new published booklet that we will create and distribute to SR businesses to support our members in the community. Our next social event is line dancing, drinks and treats at Mo's in Hillcrest on Thursday, October 24th from 6-8:30 p.m. Please email us if you would like to attend. Our next business meeting is October 25th. See you then.

August 21, 2013

Game Night was a roaring success! Everyone brought yummy treats to eat and Julia provided wine to add to the festivities. We ended up splitting into two groups. One group, led by Paula Sassi learned to play "Acey Ducey" and yes, they played for money. Regina was the big winner taking home a whopping $8+ dollars. Needless to say, she left a happy camper. Our less rowdy group played Scrabble. As more wine was consumed our ability to play "real" words was greatly compromised. Next game night we swore to only use fake words that sounded real! Thanks to everyone who attended. Looks like Game Night is in the cards for future social events. Thanks to Paula Sassi for organizing and Julia Carson for hosting and all the attendees for their yummy food contributions.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26th Meeting: Excellent meeting today with Becky Forrest who passed out lots of wonderful free samples of her Mary Kay products and to Dr. Nikki who really explained well what hypnosis is all about and even gave a little demo on why it works. A good discussion was had regarding non-attendance of members at meetings and how to promote consistent attendance at meetings. More on this in the coming weeks. Our next social event will be Game Night on Wednesday, August 21st from 6:30-8:30 p.m. So please mark your calendars (location to be determined). There will be no meeting in August for our summer break and we will have our next meeting as scheduled on Friday, September 27th. See you then.

Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013

June 28 Meeting: What a fun meeting! Annette brought all her year end Jockey Person 2 Person samples and we had a clothes-fest before and after the meeting. Sale items were marked down an additional 75%! We had two guest speakers at this meeting, Dan Janes, our webmaster, answered our questions regarding the SRWNG website and picked his brain on website design. He mentioned he was available to design our members' websites if needed, so give him a call. Our own Heidi Papachristos (who never ceases to amaze us) gave a great 10 minute presentation on "How to give an effective presentation"! Hopefully everyone learned some effective tools like: how to organize your message, adding humor, and utilizing MARS (motivation, association, repetition and census). Looking forward to our next social event, game night. Invitation to come at a later date. Our next meeting is Friday, July 26th. See you then!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May 31, 2013

May 31 Meeting: Thanks to our wonderful members who volunteered at our booth at the SR Community Fair. Many wonderful ladies approached our booth for information and this is the second year we have had a booth at the Fair. We also had our second social event at Vintana Restaurant and Bar in Escondido. Thank you to our Social Event Committee for planning this event. We had a nice turn out and the food was delicious and the setting very comfortable, providing a relaxing environment to sit, drink wine and talk. Congratulations to Moriel Cohen on the birth of her daughter "Shai". "Presenters" were Clarissa Constantine, Personal Trainer who taught us how to calculate our BMI, and Cheri Walker, Mobile Notary who gave a very interesting presentation on the history of Notary Republics. We wish a continued "Get Well Soon" to Cleopatra. We welcomed new member Cipika Kumar of Grace Threading. Carmela's Business Tip #3: Find someone to hold you accountable (an accountability partner) to make sure you follow up with your contacts.

April 26, 2013

April 26 Meeting: Our first social event was held at Brewski's in SR. We gathered for camaraderie, drinking craft beer and noshing on snacks and dinner. This gave us a chance to get to know each other on a more personal basis in a relaxed atmosphere. We will try to organize monthly social events and keep you posted. "Presenters" for April were Mary Joy Lynch, Nutritional Microscopy/Live Blood Analysis who told us how one drop of blood can tell a lot about what is going on inside your body, Paulette Millander, Au Pair International who addressed "everything you've always wanted to know about Au Pair ...", and Annette White, Jockey Person 2 Person who brought an array of attractive clothing and taught us how to chose the right clothing for our body type. We welcomed Becky Forrest, Mary Kay Consultant as a new member. Carmela's Business Tip #2: Writing a Personal Note.

March 29, 2013

March 29 Meeting: We are trying to promote the group on social networking sites and ask that everyone "Like" us on Facebook. We started a new feature at our business meetings called "Business Tips". Carmela's first business tip is entitled: Building up your sphere of influence list. March "Presenters" were Carmela Kramer, Realtor who discussed how to maximize your exposure in marketing your home, Leslie Hutchison, Travel Consultant who told us about some great upcoming cruise vacations, and Diane Halfman, Organizing Consultant, who gave us useful tips on how to be a better organizer.

February 22, 2013

February 22 Meeting: Today we say a sad good-bye to Alysson Hartman, Nutrition Counselor, as she and her family move to the San Jose area. Best of luck to you Alysson, and to Kristi Isais who has also moved, we know you will be a success wherever you go. Presenters for February were Dr. Nikki Goldman who discussed how hypnosis can help reduce anxiety and stress, and Coleen Choisser, our resident interior designer whose presentation included "before" and "after" photos of several rooms in a house that were remodeled. We began our new "pro-rated yearly membership fee" to replace our previous month-to-month membership fee. Welcome new member Annette White, representing Jockey Person2Person.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

January 25 Meeting

January 25, 2013 Meeting: Wow, we are growing and are pleased to announce our larger, very nice permanant meeting location at the condominium complex clubhouse of member Paula Sassi near Hendricks Pond and the Old Vons. Our new space has a full sized kitchen, homey upper level with fireplace and lower level perfect for serving breakfast and putting out the business cards, fliers and brochures of our members. We welcomed four new members bringing our total to 29 active members. Our next meeting will be on Friday, February 22nd at our new location and will feature three "Presenters of the Month": Alysson Hartmann, Holistic Health Coach, Dr. Nikki Goldman, Hypnotherapist, and Coleen Choisser, Interior Designer.