Thursday, October 10, 2013

August 21, 2013

Game Night was a roaring success! Everyone brought yummy treats to eat and Julia provided wine to add to the festivities. We ended up splitting into two groups. One group, led by Paula Sassi learned to play "Acey Ducey" and yes, they played for money. Regina was the big winner taking home a whopping $8+ dollars. Needless to say, she left a happy camper. Our less rowdy group played Scrabble. As more wine was consumed our ability to play "real" words was greatly compromised. Next game night we swore to only use fake words that sounded real! Thanks to everyone who attended. Looks like Game Night is in the cards for future social events. Thanks to Paula Sassi for organizing and Julia Carson for hosting and all the attendees for their yummy food contributions.

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