Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013

June 28 Meeting: What a fun meeting! Annette brought all her year end Jockey Person 2 Person samples and we had a clothes-fest before and after the meeting. Sale items were marked down an additional 75%! We had two guest speakers at this meeting, Dan Janes, our webmaster, answered our questions regarding the SRWNG website and picked his brain on website design. He mentioned he was available to design our members' websites if needed, so give him a call. Our own Heidi Papachristos (who never ceases to amaze us) gave a great 10 minute presentation on "How to give an effective presentation"! Hopefully everyone learned some effective tools like: how to organize your message, adding humor, and utilizing MARS (motivation, association, repetition and census). Looking forward to our next social event, game night. Invitation to come at a later date. Our next meeting is Friday, July 26th. See you then!

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