Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May 31, 2013

May 31 Meeting: Thanks to our wonderful members who volunteered at our booth at the SR Community Fair. Many wonderful ladies approached our booth for information and this is the second year we have had a booth at the Fair. We also had our second social event at Vintana Restaurant and Bar in Escondido. Thank you to our Social Event Committee for planning this event. We had a nice turn out and the food was delicious and the setting very comfortable, providing a relaxing environment to sit, drink wine and talk. Congratulations to Moriel Cohen on the birth of her daughter "Shai". "Presenters" were Clarissa Constantine, Personal Trainer who taught us how to calculate our BMI, and Cheri Walker, Mobile Notary who gave a very interesting presentation on the history of Notary Republics. We wish a continued "Get Well Soon" to Cleopatra. We welcomed new member Cipika Kumar of Grace Threading. Carmela's Business Tip #3: Find someone to hold you accountable (an accountability partner) to make sure you follow up with your contacts.

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