Monday, June 22, 2015

May 2015 Speakers

Rhonda Sher
LinkedIn Trainer

Rhonda Sher gave some terrific insight into how to use LinkedIn. She offers several 
different options for her services.  The 'do it your-selfer's'  can get coaching from Rhonda.  Those who would prefer, can hire her outright. If you want to extremely  effective tools  for getting business from LinkedIn, Rhonda is your go to person.


Massage Therapist  (Contact Info to follow) 

Sheila described the major life transitions that cause stress.  Some of them were Divorce, having children, a death, and marriage.  Yes even marriage is stressful.  The point is that even happy occasions cause us to  draw from our best coping strategies. And perhaps one of the most  pleasant ways to reduce your strain is massage.  

Nikki Goldman, Ph.D.
Clinical Hypnotherapist

The attendees asked for help with procrastination. Dr. Nikki first had each rate their level of willingness,  (from 0-10) to to a particular task they've been putting off. Then she had each in group close their eyes.  She did a 1-minute visualization.  Then asked them to open their eyes and rate their willingness to do it. Each had improved their willingness.  Some were even ready to jump up and do it right then and there. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

April 2015 Speakers

From Cynic to 'Experiencer'!

Jennifer Tipton  Phone: (619) 786-5518

Nothing like turning a cynic into a… not believer: an 'experiencer'!  So what the heck does that mean. A believer is someone who thinks something is true.  It’s in their head.  But an ‘experiencer’ is someone who’s notion turned into something that they had first hand proof. Here’s her story.

Jen Tipton, against her better judgement, tried essential oils for flu symptoms. After all, she was a cynic so why should she try this ridiculous thing. She had nothing to lose so what the heck.  Well,  let me tell you. .. when all flu symptoms disappeared in a matter of hours, she fell in love.  Now she  brings this healing to all those around her.

Essential oils  assist in the recovery of many ailments. (Essential oils disclaim any ‘healing’ )
Whether you want to reduce inflammation, nervousness, eliminate an addiction to tobacco, or any number of disorders, Call Jen Tipton

The Personal Touch Banker
Nasrin Ahdi Comerica Bank in Mira Mesa 858-577-0234

Twenty-five years, in the banking. business has made Nasrin Ahdi one heck of a knowledgeable
Banker. Aside from her education and first hand experience, she brings enthusiasm to the table.   Because she works for a relatively small bank,  it is easy to offer personal service.  Whether you want to get a business loan, a home equity loan or anything else, be sure to contact Nasrin at Comerica Bank in Mira Mesa 858-577-0234

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What do Coffee...A.Notray...and Retrieving Equity from your House have in Common?

These Speakers Turn the Ordinary into the Refreshing

What an interesting way to explain what would otherwise be a boring subject; the need for a notary.(sorry, Cheri for calling it boring :))

Cheri Asked several of us to play a role in a situation where a notarized health directive is crucial but not available.One pretended to be in the hospital while others played the role of daughter, stepdaughter etc. She showed us the family complications.  They are too numerous and complex to  explain....see why we really do need a notary!  

I urge you to call:
Cheryl Walker
Mobile Notary
(858) 335-5787


Annette enlightened us on a new way to access money from the equity in our home.  AS she described it, some of us thought it was similar to a reverse mortgage.  However, she quickly dispelled that notion.  It is an Equity Key.  In this contract, you take money from your current equity, preserve the rest of the current equity and share the future equity. Once again, the complexities of this requires expert knowledge.

For a detailed explanation call:
Annette White


I've always heard people do business with people they know.  It's one thing to network and still not know much about the individual.  I was delighted and surprised to hear Heidi's background in biology.  Now it makes sense that she would be in a business where the chemistry of her product is so important.  She explains that the acidity of the American diet, including coffee is high and is quite destructive to our bodies.   That's why she sells Organo Gold Coffee. The natural ingredients in this delicious coffee helps to create a more health alkaline environment in your body. 

Enjoy your coffee with:
Heidi Papachristos
Independent Distributor, Organo Gold Coffee
Owner – Papa’s Kaffe

Sunday, March 15, 2015

February 2015 Speakers

Annette White – Insurance 
 Heidi Papachristos – Coffee Specialty 
Cheryl Walker Mobile Notary 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

An enthusiastic group met January 30, 2015

 Members are looking forward to opening the group up to women outside of Scripps Ranch
Carmella said, "As long as they are willing to travel to Scripps Ranch, we'd love to have them join"

Our 5-minute speakers:

Carmela Kramer, is our group's Realtor. She offered an opportunity for us to state our goals for the year. We each jotted 3 goals on an index card.  Carmella collected them and promised to return them to us next year.  Since written goals are more likely to be achieved than those we just think about, I"m looking forward to reviewing them next January.

Carmella also talked about purchasing  rental property out of state.

Annette White is discontinuing her Jockey clothing line.  Instead she  is going back to her roots as an  insurance broker.  She is an expert in a variety of insurance products as she has been selling it for many years.

Our main speaker

Becky Forrest: One can see the joy Becky has in representing Mary Kay Cosmetics. She is
quite informed about the many benefits of each product.  Samples were available for all. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

November 2014 Meeting


Paula Sassi. 
Certified Master Graphologist

Need to hire someone? Be sure you know if their personality fits with your company.Paula helps with HR selections at major corporations, speaks at conventions.
She also dazzle your next party. You'll have your guests fascinated.

Heidi Papachristos
Independent Distributor, Organo Gold Coffee
Owner – Papa’s Kaffe

Love coffee....hate the acid. You don't have to give it up. don't have to take antacids. Organo Gold Coffee
low acidic and delicious too.

Many gift baskets available.
From $5 to $20 plus custom ones too.
Friends Don’t Buy Friends Starbucks Cards Buy Organo Gold cause they will remember you.

Baskets include: mugs, beverages (select from Gourmet Black, Latte or any of our Teas)
Add-in Items include: chocolate spoons, chocolate peppermint spoons, chocolate (619)213-6366

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 26, 2014

An introduction to out of state real estate investment  by Carmela Kramer raised some interest. Carmela suggest that a number of people could join together to purchase commercial property in Omaha Nebraska.  Carmela, our groups real estate agent, has partnered with a realtor  in Nebraska where real estate is experiencing quite a growth. Whether you want local real estate or in Nebraska, be sure to check out Carmela’s website.
Carmela Kramer
Real Estate Broker

Tea is more than for the British! And it 's more than just a social beverage.
Betty Jean Rule talked about different teas and their health benefits; a real connoisseur! Whether you're looking for ‘Afternoon Tea’ with a few friends or ‘High Tea’ You’re sure to experience the elegance when Betty Jean Rule sets the table.
In the spirit of Jane Pettigrew, you’ll have,
pink rose on the side of each cup; hearts of lettuce, thin bread and butter, and the crisp little cakes that had been baked in readiness that morning.”

Betty Jean also offers teas from all over the world for purchase on her website.

Betty Jean Rule
Tea Sales and Parties
Truffles and Lace Bou-TEA-que

Comedian John Heffron jokes about being, “clutter-blind’   put a bag of trash in front of the door and he’ll manage to step over it or on it without slowing him down.   If you’re like John, you won’t need Diane Halfman.  But if you’re suffering from oxygen deprivation cause there’s  too much stuff around,  than you’ll love Diane Halfman.  Whether you're emotionally attached to things, or have trouble making decisions about  whether to get rid of that old VCR player, Diane simplifies the process with her ‘love it or leave it” attitude.   Since women usually wear only 20% of their wardrobe, why not just keep the things you love.  Then leave the rest to the thrift store for someone else to love.

Diane Halfman
Lifestyle Organizer