Sunday, February 1, 2015

An enthusiastic group met January 30, 2015

 Members are looking forward to opening the group up to women outside of Scripps Ranch
Carmella said, "As long as they are willing to travel to Scripps Ranch, we'd love to have them join"

Our 5-minute speakers:

Carmela Kramer, is our group's Realtor. She offered an opportunity for us to state our goals for the year. We each jotted 3 goals on an index card.  Carmella collected them and promised to return them to us next year.  Since written goals are more likely to be achieved than those we just think about, I"m looking forward to reviewing them next January.

Carmella also talked about purchasing  rental property out of state.

Annette White is discontinuing her Jockey clothing line.  Instead she  is going back to her roots as an  insurance broker.  She is an expert in a variety of insurance products as she has been selling it for many years.

Our main speaker

Becky Forrest: One can see the joy Becky has in representing Mary Kay Cosmetics. She is
quite informed about the many benefits of each product.  Samples were available for all. 

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