Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What do Coffee...A.Notray...and Retrieving Equity from your House have in Common?

These Speakers Turn the Ordinary into the Refreshing

What an interesting way to explain what would otherwise be a boring subject; the need for a notary.(sorry, Cheri for calling it boring :))

Cheri Asked several of us to play a role in a situation where a notarized health directive is crucial but not available.One pretended to be in the hospital while others played the role of daughter, stepdaughter etc. She showed us the family complications.  They are too numerous and complex to  explain....see why we really do need a notary!  

I urge you to call:
Cheryl Walker
Mobile Notary
(858) 335-5787


Annette enlightened us on a new way to access money from the equity in our home.  AS she described it, some of us thought it was similar to a reverse mortgage.  However, she quickly dispelled that notion.  It is an Equity Key.  In this contract, you take money from your current equity, preserve the rest of the current equity and share the future equity. Once again, the complexities of this requires expert knowledge.

For a detailed explanation call:
Annette White


I've always heard people do business with people they know.  It's one thing to network and still not know much about the individual.  I was delighted and surprised to hear Heidi's background in biology.  Now it makes sense that she would be in a business where the chemistry of her product is so important.  She explains that the acidity of the American diet, including coffee is high and is quite destructive to our bodies.   That's why she sells Organo Gold Coffee. The natural ingredients in this delicious coffee helps to create a more health alkaline environment in your body. 

Enjoy your coffee with:
Heidi Papachristos
Independent Distributor, Organo Gold Coffee
Owner – Papa’s Kaffe


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