Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 26, 2014

An introduction to out of state real estate investment  by Carmela Kramer raised some interest. Carmela suggest that a number of people could join together to purchase commercial property in Omaha Nebraska.  Carmela, our groups real estate agent, has partnered with a realtor  in Nebraska where real estate is experiencing quite a growth. Whether you want local real estate or in Nebraska, be sure to check out Carmela’s website.
Carmela Kramer
Real Estate Broker

Tea is more than for the British! And it 's more than just a social beverage.
Betty Jean Rule talked about different teas and their health benefits; a real connoisseur! Whether you're looking for ‘Afternoon Tea’ with a few friends or ‘High Tea’ You’re sure to experience the elegance when Betty Jean Rule sets the table.
In the spirit of Jane Pettigrew, you’ll have,
pink rose on the side of each cup; hearts of lettuce, thin bread and butter, and the crisp little cakes that had been baked in readiness that morning.”

Betty Jean also offers teas from all over the world for purchase on her website.

Betty Jean Rule
Tea Sales and Parties
Truffles and Lace Bou-TEA-que

Comedian John Heffron jokes about being, “clutter-blind’   put a bag of trash in front of the door and he’ll manage to step over it or on it without slowing him down.   If you’re like John, you won’t need Diane Halfman.  But if you’re suffering from oxygen deprivation cause there’s  too much stuff around,  than you’ll love Diane Halfman.  Whether you're emotionally attached to things, or have trouble making decisions about  whether to get rid of that old VCR player, Diane simplifies the process with her ‘love it or leave it” attitude.   Since women usually wear only 20% of their wardrobe, why not just keep the things you love.  Then leave the rest to the thrift store for someone else to love.

Diane Halfman
Lifestyle Organizer

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