Friday, December 12, 2014

November 2014 Meeting


Paula Sassi. 
Certified Master Graphologist

Need to hire someone? Be sure you know if their personality fits with your company.Paula helps with HR selections at major corporations, speaks at conventions.
She also dazzle your next party. You'll have your guests fascinated.

Heidi Papachristos
Independent Distributor, Organo Gold Coffee
Owner – Papa’s Kaffe

Love coffee....hate the acid. You don't have to give it up. don't have to take antacids. Organo Gold Coffee
low acidic and delicious too.

Many gift baskets available.
From $5 to $20 plus custom ones too.
Friends Don’t Buy Friends Starbucks Cards Buy Organo Gold cause they will remember you.

Baskets include: mugs, beverages (select from Gourmet Black, Latte or any of our Teas)
Add-in Items include: chocolate spoons, chocolate peppermint spoons, chocolate (619)213-6366

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 26, 2014

An introduction to out of state real estate investment  by Carmela Kramer raised some interest. Carmela suggest that a number of people could join together to purchase commercial property in Omaha Nebraska.  Carmela, our groups real estate agent, has partnered with a realtor  in Nebraska where real estate is experiencing quite a growth. Whether you want local real estate or in Nebraska, be sure to check out Carmela’s website.
Carmela Kramer
Real Estate Broker

Tea is more than for the British! And it 's more than just a social beverage.
Betty Jean Rule talked about different teas and their health benefits; a real connoisseur! Whether you're looking for ‘Afternoon Tea’ with a few friends or ‘High Tea’ You’re sure to experience the elegance when Betty Jean Rule sets the table.
In the spirit of Jane Pettigrew, you’ll have,
pink rose on the side of each cup; hearts of lettuce, thin bread and butter, and the crisp little cakes that had been baked in readiness that morning.”

Betty Jean also offers teas from all over the world for purchase on her website.

Betty Jean Rule
Tea Sales and Parties
Truffles and Lace Bou-TEA-que

Comedian John Heffron jokes about being, “clutter-blind’   put a bag of trash in front of the door and he’ll manage to step over it or on it without slowing him down.   If you’re like John, you won’t need Diane Halfman.  But if you’re suffering from oxygen deprivation cause there’s  too much stuff around,  than you’ll love Diane Halfman.  Whether you're emotionally attached to things, or have trouble making decisions about  whether to get rid of that old VCR player, Diane simplifies the process with her ‘love it or leave it” attitude.   Since women usually wear only 20% of their wardrobe, why not just keep the things you love.  Then leave the rest to the thrift store for someone else to love.

Diane Halfman
Lifestyle Organizer 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 27, 2014 Meeting

June 27 Meeting: Today's meeting was a bit different. We had a professional speaker, Janet F. Williams who talked about the 7 Motivators for Effective Communication. She brought her Kirkus winning book "You Don't Ask, You Don't Get" which was available for purchase for those who wanted more info on the 7 Motivators. Carmela asked for volunteers to help take over some of the jobs that Julia was doing and many members stepped up to the plate. Thank you so much for volunteering and helping to make this the best networking group ever! Our next meeting is Friday, July 25th. Our Presenters are Paulette Millander, Christine Davies and Dr. Nikki. Will you join us?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014 Game Night

June 8 Social Event:

Acey-Duecey was the game to play and Paula was the gal to beat. Great hoots and howls were heard as the ladies placed their bets. On a quieter note, Julia and Dr. Nikki exposed Alexandra (age 4) to her very first game of Scrabble and when she left to go help her mom (try to) win at Acey-Duecy, Julia and Dr. Nikki created some of the best 14 letter Scrabble words (un)known in the Scrabble world. The food was great, the wine flowed and Heidi, bless her heart, brought her very popular AND healthy chocolate dessert. What would we do without Heidi. Thanks to everyone who came to Julia's: Carmela, Christine, Heidi/Alexandra, Paula and Dr. Nikki.

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30 Meeting

May 30, 2014: Yummy home made food, lights and blinds that go up and down automatically and 20 amazing women who stood in two circles facing each other and having a hilarious time telling the other amazing woman facing her about herself, speed dating style. Amps went from quiet listening to hysterical laughing, giggling, hoots and hand holding. We had to get the bull horn to quiet everyone down for the serious conversation of change of command. Julia has decided to step down and take on the role of member only (and vetting of prospective members) while Carmela opened a discussion about member's taking on some of the responsibilities Julia assumed, so as to keep the group running. Heidi volunteered to gather intel on the question of showing up every month for meetings and members should call her with their input. Anyone who would like to assume all the duties Julia has taken care of in the past should contact either Julia or Carmela to discuss. A notice will go out regarding volunteer positions that can be filled. Our next meeting is June 27 with guest speaker, Janet F. Williams, author of Kirkus winner "You Don't Ask, You Don't Get".

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Scripps Ranch Community Fair

Sunday, May 18, 2014: We had a booth at the SR Community Fair today. Volunteers who came to help out were Paula, Heidi, Nikki, Julia, Mary E., Betty Jean, Mary De, Paulette, and Carmela. Thank you all so much for all of your help, drinks, set up and take down and most importantly, schmoozing with prospective new members and talking about the current members of our networking group and the products and services they provide.

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 Meeting

April 25th: Is it April already! Welcome prospective member Dr. Karen Kurowski, Veterinarian at the Scripps Ranch Veterinary Hospital. Today's speakers included Becky Forrest, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Coleen Choisser, Anna Rode Design, and Clarissa Constantine, Constant Motion Fitness. Many thanks to Paula for explaining the concept behind "Power Teams" where businesses within our group that have commonalities work together to create referrals. Please be sure to join us at our booth at the SR Community Fair on Sunday, May 18th and stay or come sit with us afterwards for the concert in the park (same location). Feel free to bring food/drinks to share.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

March 28, 2014 Meeting

March 28, 2014: We welcome new member Christine Davies, owner of Casa Companion Home Care located here in Scripps Ranch. She is already referring her friends and business associates to us. Way to go Christine! "Presenters" in March included Annette White, Jockey Person 2 person, Carmela Kramer, Realtor, and Mary Joy Lynch, Live Blood Analysis. We did schedule a social night for March at Ballast Point Brewing in SR. Although everyone seemed eager to meet for a beer, it was not well attended so we probably won't be going there again! Thank you Colette for organizing all the info so we could "Like" everyone's business on Face Book. We really appreciate when our members volunteer to help make our group stronger by coming up with great ideas for getting us out there in the real and virtual world.

February 28, 2014 Meeting

February 28, 2014: We are starting off the new year with 22 members and we continue to get inquiries about joining every month. This month our "Presenters" were Paula Sassi, Master Graphologist, Nikki Goldman, Hypnotherapist and Cipika Kumar, Owner of Grace Threading. Cipika gave us the exciting news that she is opening a new location in the Hillcrest area and we are very excited for her. I'm sure the support she has gotten from our group has contributed to her continued success. On February 11th we held a social night at the movies, seeing the foreign film "Gloria", which was enjoyed by all who attended. We closed the theatre down talking after the film. An announcement was made that we will now be promoting the group and our members with monthly paid advertising in the SR Newsletter. Our first ad will be in the March Newsletter. Please look out for it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

January 31, 2014 Meeting

This was our first meeting of the new year. We said goodbye to some members and hello to others. Presenters of the Month were Vicki Winkelman who talked to us about Equity Index Annuities, Diane Halfman who brought one of her organizing systems and used it to demonstrate how to deal with paper clutter, and Mary De, our resident fashion stylist who discussed fashion trends for the new year. We welcomed Lisa Bada who is in lighting design as a new member. Many thanks, as usual to Heidi for providing hot coffee & tea, Ellie for taking photos, Paula for use of her clubhouse and Cleopatra for keeping our books. Our next social night is Tuesday, February 11. Join us at the AMC La Jolla, for the 7:45 screening of Gloria (a chick flick). Our next meeting is Friday, February 28 at our new time 7:45 a.m. with "Presenters" Cipika Kumar (threading demo), Paula Sassi, Master Graphologist and Dr. Nikki, Hypnotherapist. Won't you join us?