Wednesday, April 23, 2014

February 28, 2014 Meeting

February 28, 2014: We are starting off the new year with 22 members and we continue to get inquiries about joining every month. This month our "Presenters" were Paula Sassi, Master Graphologist, Nikki Goldman, Hypnotherapist and Cipika Kumar, Owner of Grace Threading. Cipika gave us the exciting news that she is opening a new location in the Hillcrest area and we are very excited for her. I'm sure the support she has gotten from our group has contributed to her continued success. On February 11th we held a social night at the movies, seeing the foreign film "Gloria", which was enjoyed by all who attended. We closed the theatre down talking after the film. An announcement was made that we will now be promoting the group and our members with monthly paid advertising in the SR Newsletter. Our first ad will be in the March Newsletter. Please look out for it.

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