Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 Meeting

October 25, 2013: Our well attended meeting today was very lively. Our "Presenters" Heidi, Betty Jean and Mary Engelhardt gave enthusiastic presentations. Betty Jean gifted everyone with two specialty tea bags which we all eagerly accepted. We welcomed new member Mary Demetriades who is a fashion stylist and image consultant. We are gearing up for our December social event. Our December is a Holiday inspired social evening with a White Elephant. Knowing our group, it should be rip-roaring fun. Presenters for November's meeting will be Julia (yoga), Cleopatra (bookkeeping) and Ellie (hair stylist) and will take place at Ellie's new hair salon in Poway. Because of the holidays, there is no meeting in December.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

September 27, 2013

September 27 Meeting: This very well attended meeting brought us new member Mary Engelhardt who is a sales representative for Silpada Silver jewelry. Our presenters were Cipika Kumar who actually demonstrated on Diane the art of eyebrow threading. Very interesting, indeed! Stacy DenHerder gave a very interesting talk on why it is important to have an estate plan and Colette Pascual provided useful information about retaining tutors for anyone from elementary school to college. At this meeting we introduced our new attendance requirements which will go into effect beginning in January of 2014. An announcement was made that anyone who is a member as of January, 2014 will be in our new published booklet that we will create and distribute to SR businesses to support our members in the community. Our next social event is line dancing, drinks and treats at Mo's in Hillcrest on Thursday, October 24th from 6-8:30 p.m. Please email us if you would like to attend. Our next business meeting is October 25th. See you then.

August 21, 2013

Game Night was a roaring success! Everyone brought yummy treats to eat and Julia provided wine to add to the festivities. We ended up splitting into two groups. One group, led by Paula Sassi learned to play "Acey Ducey" and yes, they played for money. Regina was the big winner taking home a whopping $8+ dollars. Needless to say, she left a happy camper. Our less rowdy group played Scrabble. As more wine was consumed our ability to play "real" words was greatly compromised. Next game night we swore to only use fake words that sounded real! Thanks to everyone who attended. Looks like Game Night is in the cards for future social events. Thanks to Paula Sassi for organizing and Julia Carson for hosting and all the attendees for their yummy food contributions.