Monday, June 22, 2015

May 2015 Speakers

Rhonda Sher
LinkedIn Trainer

Rhonda Sher gave some terrific insight into how to use LinkedIn. She offers several 
different options for her services.  The 'do it your-selfer's'  can get coaching from Rhonda.  Those who would prefer, can hire her outright. If you want to extremely  effective tools  for getting business from LinkedIn, Rhonda is your go to person.


Massage Therapist  (Contact Info to follow) 

Sheila described the major life transitions that cause stress.  Some of them were Divorce, having children, a death, and marriage.  Yes even marriage is stressful.  The point is that even happy occasions cause us to  draw from our best coping strategies. And perhaps one of the most  pleasant ways to reduce your strain is massage.  

Nikki Goldman, Ph.D.
Clinical Hypnotherapist

The attendees asked for help with procrastination. Dr. Nikki first had each rate their level of willingness,  (from 0-10) to to a particular task they've been putting off. Then she had each in group close their eyes.  She did a 1-minute visualization.  Then asked them to open their eyes and rate their willingness to do it. Each had improved their willingness.  Some were even ready to jump up and do it right then and there.