Friday, December 12, 2014

November 2014 Meeting


Paula Sassi. 
Certified Master Graphologist

Need to hire someone? Be sure you know if their personality fits with your company.Paula helps with HR selections at major corporations, speaks at conventions.
She also dazzle your next party. You'll have your guests fascinated.

Heidi Papachristos
Independent Distributor, Organo Gold Coffee
Owner – Papa’s Kaffe

Love coffee....hate the acid. You don't have to give it up. don't have to take antacids. Organo Gold Coffee
low acidic and delicious too.

Many gift baskets available.
From $5 to $20 plus custom ones too.
Friends Don’t Buy Friends Starbucks Cards Buy Organo Gold cause they will remember you.

Baskets include: mugs, beverages (select from Gourmet Black, Latte or any of our Teas)
Add-in Items include: chocolate spoons, chocolate peppermint spoons, chocolate (619)213-6366