Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30 Meeting

May 30, 2014: Yummy home made food, lights and blinds that go up and down automatically and 20 amazing women who stood in two circles facing each other and having a hilarious time telling the other amazing woman facing her about herself, speed dating style. Amps went from quiet listening to hysterical laughing, giggling, hoots and hand holding. We had to get the bull horn to quiet everyone down for the serious conversation of change of command. Julia has decided to step down and take on the role of member only (and vetting of prospective members) while Carmela opened a discussion about member's taking on some of the responsibilities Julia assumed, so as to keep the group running. Heidi volunteered to gather intel on the question of showing up every month for meetings and members should call her with their input. Anyone who would like to assume all the duties Julia has taken care of in the past should contact either Julia or Carmela to discuss. A notice will go out regarding volunteer positions that can be filled. Our next meeting is June 27 with guest speaker, Janet F. Williams, author of Kirkus winner "You Don't Ask, You Don't Get".

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Scripps Ranch Community Fair

Sunday, May 18, 2014: We had a booth at the SR Community Fair today. Volunteers who came to help out were Paula, Heidi, Nikki, Julia, Mary E., Betty Jean, Mary De, Paulette, and Carmela. Thank you all so much for all of your help, drinks, set up and take down and most importantly, schmoozing with prospective new members and talking about the current members of our networking group and the products and services they provide.