Sunday, December 15, 2013

December, 2013 Holiday Party

December 14, 2013: OMG!!! That about sums up our FANTASTIC holiday party. We rocked to the 60s, 70s and 80s with live band, "Classic Vinyl". Everyone brought great food, drinks, desserts. We celebrated Julia's birthday in grand style and had quite a few laughs at our White Elephant. Thanks to everyone who helped set up, decorate, provide victuals, and clean up. The clubhouse was the perfect venue with the dance floor and cozy fireplace lit living room atmosphere. Thanks to Paula for living in the perfect condo complex! Gotta do this again next year!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

November 22, 2013 Meeting

November 22nd: We place a classified ad in the SRCA Newsletter for November and got some response, so we will continue to place these inexpensive ads. Our Presenters for November were Julia Carson (yoga) and Ellie Bloomgren (Hair Stylist). Ellie just opened her new salon, A New Twist, in Poway, and our meeting was at her salon. We even got a hair washing demo, how fun! We welcomed prospective members, Beth Austin and Jacqueline Yang. Thank you for checking us out. We have changed the date of our holiday dance party, white elephant, with live band to Saturday, December 14th. Thank you to all who will be joining us and helping to make this a really fun event. Thanks also to members who shared their tried and true business tips with the group. We really appreciate your input. Due to the holidays, there is no meeting in December. We will see you all again at our first meeting of the year, Friday, January 31, 2014. Our "Presenters" will be Vicki Winkelman (Financial Planner), Diane Halfman (Lifestyle Organizer) and Mary De (Fashion Consultant). Have a great holiday season and a safe and Happy New Year.