Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Blog Posts

January 27th: "Presenter of the Month" Susan Heck gave an enthusiastic presentation of her product lines (Waiora and Chava) with a sampling of the delicious and "healthy" Chava chocolate. We welcomed new member Clarissa Constantine who is in the personal/corporate fitness industry and who has graciously volunteered to be our "Presenter of the Month" in February. Clarissa will also host the breakfast meeting at her house in S.R. Please click the link "Presenter of the Month" for more details.
February 24th: "Presenter of the Month" Clarissa Constantine spoke about women's health issues related to each specific age group. She passed out fliers for upcoming events her business "Constant Motion Fitness" is sponsoring in March and gave away Gift Certificates for a free fitness consultation and evaluation. We welcomed new members Etta McQueary (health and nutrition educator), Paula Sassi (handwriting consultant) and Patricia Sellers (Melaleuca). Julia announced the very exciting news that the four color "92131 Magazine" will be doing a feature article on our group next month for their May/June issue. Our next meeting will be Friday, March 30th with Coleen Choisser, Certified Interior Designer as our "Presenter of the Month".

March 30th: "Presenter of the Month" Coleen Choisser, is an Interior Designer and gave a wonderful power point presentation showing the types of work she does and answering questions about why it is beneficial, both aesthetically and financially, to hire a professional interior designer. We welcomed three new members at this meeting, Heidi Papachristos (Organo Gold Coffee), Margie Tonnesen-Ramirez (Gold Canyon Candles/Abronne Skin Care) and Cheryl Walker (Notary). Our next meeting will be held on Friday, April 27 with Paula Sassi, Certified Graphologist as "Presenter of the Month".

April 27th: Wow, what an exciting meeting! We were photographed by "92131 Magazine" for a feature article in their upcoming July/August issues. We even recruited the photographer to join our networking group. Paula Sassi gave a fun and informative talk about analyzing a person's personality by looking at their handwriting. We all had the opportunity to have our handwriting analyzed and it was a hoot. We also welcomed new member Dr. Nikki Goldman, Hypnotherapist. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, May 25th at the home of Etta McQueary, Health and Nutrition Educator.

May 25th: Thanks to Etta McQueary for hosting, providing vegan, gluten free yummy breakfast. Etta introduced us to the "Tower Garden" and gave a very interesting lecture on healthy foods. We welcomed two new members, Colette Pascual, area Director for ClubZ! in-home tutoring, and Ellie Blomgren, co-owner of 1 Look Back Photography. Our next meeting will be at the home of member Vicki Winkelman, Certified Financial Planner.

June 29th: Thank you Vicki Winkelman for hosting our meeting and being "Presenter of the Month". Vicki gave a very insightful talk about how everyone can learn to save for their retirement, no matter their income. She is very knowledgeable on financial issues and hopes she can help you save for your future. Our next meeting is on Friday, July 27th. The "Presenter of the Month" will be Patricia Sellers who will be introducing us to Melaleuca products.

July 27th: Thank you Patricia Sellers for hosting our meeting at your lovely home. Patricia gave a very informative presentation about how we can all live without caustic chemicals in our homes by using green cleaning products available from Melaleuca. Ellie Blomgren (our resident photographer) took some awesome photos of the event. We will not be having a meeting in August so our next meeting will be at the home of Julia Carson with Ellie Blomgren as "Presenter of the Month". Ellie, a photographer with "1 Look Back Photography" will share why you will want to hire a "professional" and will offer tips on how to take better photos with your digital camera.

September 28th: Our group is forever growing as we welcome Cleopatra Sellers, Bookkeeper & Accounting and Tamara Krupchak, Arbonne skin products to our ranks. A fantastic breakfast and beautiful presentation by Ellie Blomgrem, photographer, for hosting and being our "Presenter". Our next meeting will feature Susan Heck and her Touchstone Essential product line.

October 26th: Welcome Daniel James, our new webmaster. Daniel is a Junior at SRHS and is active in the ROTC program. He will be creating a wonderfully new web site for us and will be maintaining it. Daniel hopes to continue his education at SDSU so hopefully he be part of our growth over the next several years. Thanks to Susan Heck and her informative talk on the detoxification of heavy metals. Our next meeting is Nov. 30th with Heidi Papachristos as "Presenter" and where we will finalize the plans for our Holiday Fair on December 9th from 1:00-4:00 at Julia's home.

2011 Blog Posts

February 25, 2011: As told by Julia.
We held our first meeting at my home. The breakfast meeting had five women in attendence. I was the "Presenter of the Month". After having a lovely breakfast of lox and bagels, we sat around and introduced ourselves. Carmela and I talked about our vision for the group. I spoke for about 15 minutes. My topic was "Yoga 101". The hour went by very quickly so we chose our next speaker of the month, brought the meeting to a close and said our good-byes. Everyone considered it a very successful meeting and the group expressed collectively what a great idea it was to have a women's networking group here in Scripps Ranch.

March 25, 2011: As told by Julia.
Our second meeting was again held at my home. Paulette Millander was our presenter of the month, discussing long term care planning. It was a facinating talk which resonated with everyone, not just as potential consumers of long term care but because we now had other SR professional women in the group who did similar work who could both refer clients to Paulette and for whom Paulette could refer her clients. This was networking at its best! The group continues to grow and everyone remains enthusiastic.

April 29, 2011: As told by Julia.
Today's topic was setting goals for our businesses. Part of networking is bouncing off our ideas of where we see ourselves and our businesses in the months/years to come. Some of us said that just by discussing the future of our businesses, that this helped us to make important decisions about where we were going and how we were going to get there. We also discussed that to make the group work we had to make a commitment to coming to meetings, straighten out the kinks in our web site and phone and continue to have representation from all sorts of professions in our group.

May 27, 2011: Unfortunately, this meeting was cancelled at the last minute due to unforseen circumstances.

June 24, 2011: As told by Carmela.
This morning each one of us discussed how we go about getting referrals. This was a productive conversation because it gave us an opportunity to see how everyone else goes about getting referrals and what works best for us as entrepreneurs and business women. This started a brainstorming session where we bantered around ideas to help hone our skills in getting referrals.

July 29, 2011: As told by Paulette.
This morning's meeting was held at my home. We had an open discussion with the topic "Defining Your Goals for the Coming Year".We welcomed two new members who discussed their businesses. It seems that every new person who comes to the group has a connection with other members because their profession is of personal interest to the group members and their business is, in itself, interesting to the business side of the group as a whole. I think it was evident through the several animated conversations that one hour is not enough time for us to talk about all the things that we wanted to say to each other.

August 26, 2011: No meeting this month.

September 30, 2011: Welcome new members Katie Barry (Publishing, Editor) and Nancy Eklund (Hairstylist & Makeup Artist). Bridgette Tabor also informs us that she is now a sales representative for Cookie Lee (see "Presenter of the Month" for the month of October for more details). Due to the Jewish holiday of Rosh HaShana, the meeting was changed to the morning for breakfast. We had a lively discussion about how to incorporate social networking into our businesses, specifically Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. We discussed adding another day so that we are meeting twice a month instead of once a month. Members will soon receive an email asking which day and time is best for them to attend this added meeting.

October 28, 2011: Welcome new members, Susan Heck (Waiora) and Coleen Choisser (interior designer). Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday our next meeting will be held on Friday, November 18th from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. for breakfast. Our "Presenter of the Month" will be Susan Heck who is an independent sales consultant for Waiora, a natural Cellular Defense product, and Chava, a "vital chocolate" product. The meeting will be held at the home of Julia Carson.

November 18, 2011 (Upcoming meeting). Julia finally organized the business card file and a section so each member could have their promotional materials available to the group. Please bring any fliers, brochures, literature, etc. about your business that it can be put into this folder for other members to peruse and/or take if they think they can pass your info along to others. Remember, it all about networking!